Tracy Huff

The Confidence Coach

Are you ready to be AMAZING?



Hey, this is Tracy Huff, Owner/Chief Instructor of Family Martial Arts Academy, 4th Degree Black Belt, and Author of the book How To Punch Failure in The Face.

I created this page to help you confidently and boldly build the life you want and become the person you know you were meant to be.

I am the Confidence Coach because I was disowned, pregnant, and thrown away by my family when I was 18 years old. I was so ashamed, guilty, and felt like such a disappointment. I realized that I had to find a way to get my life together so I could be the parent I wished my parents were. After spending years on every course and coaching program I could get my hands on I realized that they were only helping me with pieces of the puzzle and I kept getting stuck. The more I consumed, the more actions that I took, but I was trying to accomplish someone else’s dreams!

Only after I “zoomed out” and created a complete “A-Z” strategy that covers every step required to design a life on your terms and handle anything, did I get results.

And the results were crazy...”


As a professional woman and business owner, confidence can be a difficult thing to deal with.

It can be hard to feel confident in yourself and your abilities, especially when you are surrounded by people who seem to have it all together.

It can be easy to feel like you don’t measure up or that you are not good enough. It can be hard to take risks or put yourself out there when you don’t feel confident in yourself.

If you are on this page, it means you're ready to create a life that is accelerated by your confidence, not limited by your lack of it. You'll get the strategies and techniques that can be used to help individuals like yourself to build your self-confidence.


Confidence Building

You'll discover that confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind.

We'll show you the 3 steps to build up your confidence easily.

Focused Mind

In this phase, you'll learn how to set up smart goals, develop an action plan, and take continuous action.

Becoming Fearless

There is nothing wrong with having any type of fear. Instead, we'll guide you on how to overcome obstacles, make emotions work for you, and keep moving forward.


As a professional woman and business owner, confidence can be a difficult thing to deal with.

It can be hard to feel confident in yourself and your abilities, especially when you are surrounded by people who seem to have it all together.

It can be easy to feel like you don’t measure up or that you are not good enough. It can be hard to take risks or put yourself out there when you don’t feel confident in yourself.

If you are on this page, it means you're ready to create a life that is accelerated by your confidence, not limited by your lack of it. You'll get the strategies and techniques that can be used to help individuals like yourself to build your self-confidence.

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